A crafty year!

Would you believe me if I told you that it has taken me an entire year to realise that I can make the photos in my posts bigger? Yes. Read it and weep uncontrollably, for it is sadly so. Worse, I have even reflected, from time to time, on what a shame it is that the photos are so small. In the words of the immortal Bart: doh! Continue reading


Between you, me, the gatepost, the run-up to yuletide festivities, gearing up for life as a freelancer, an apparently interminable lurgy, and this head of mine – which persists, in an annoyingly pain-killer-resistant manner, in pounding away after rather a fraught week – I confess I’m feeling a bit frazzled this evening. I’m sure this state of affairs is not going to be remotely helped by the can of Diet Coke I’ve just begun, but there you are. Something’s got to keep me awake for just a little while longer and I don’t like coffee.

And before you ask, yes, it has also occurred to me that more time in front of a screen isn’t going to do my head any favours either, but I wanted to share this with you:

My first foray into wire knitting...

My first foray into wire knitting…

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Beads, button holes and belly buttons

This week, readers, I am wondering whether my holiday – long overdue and now pretty desperately awaited – will ever actually arrive. It will, of course (at least, I do hope it will!), but this is one of those weeks where each day seems hell-bent on producing – with quite some skill, I might add – a new and hitherto mercifully unappreciated form of mental torture. And the migraine is just the icing on the cake.

Those of you who read my last post (thanking you kindly!), may recall my vigorously announced intention – after a not-so-successful Week 3 of my beaded jewellery making course at City Lit – of rising phoenix-like from the ashes of beading despair. And did I triumph?  Continue reading